Push Button Switch 6 Channels

Product Code
Technical Features
Supply Voltage: 30 V DC
Number of Inlets: 6
Dimensions: 73x73x20 mm
Protection Degree: IP 30
Operation Temperature: 0 °C → + 45 °C
Storage Temperature: - 20 °C → + 70 °C
Data Path Consumption: 12,5 mA
Data Path Connection: TG 08
Standards: NF EN 60669-2-1
NF EN 60699-1
Product description
With the Makel Smarthome switches, you can experience thecomfort of a smart home. Makel KNX switches have a wealth of application features like classic switching, dimming, blind and curtain control, HVAC, alarm features, stage and priority selections and jamming. The system is available with selection of 2 to 8 channels, status indicators with led and label lighting.