MAKEL USOBIM, is a 100% web based OSOS(Automatic Meter Reading System) system that is designed for the AMI/AMR needs of the electricity distribution and industrial companies. Meters started to become a part of data communication system first by remote reading of the electricity meter data(AMR - Automatic Meter Reading) and this process is evolved to a Smart Grid: A distribution data management system enabling us to manage energy generation, usage and distribution.
Remote meter reading systems enables us to use the electricity infrastructure efficiently, to make correct estimations for investments, correct grid analysis and planning, reduce tampering and losses, in time billing, real time multi pricing in a multi tariff system, distribution web automation, remote closing and opening, to reduce meter reading cost and to increase customer satisfaction. These features give distribution companies an ease in management and reduce costs. Makel automatic meter reading system, is designed to collect energy usage, state and notifications from customers into a central control station. Meters can also be controlled remotely by the help of the two-way communication. The system can be programmed to read metering data periodically or at the determined time. Also the central station can make immediate reading in cases of a new customer arrival, customer departure, customer objection, tamper or loss suspicion. Makel USOBIM system consists of 3 parts; communication software, application software and database.