
The modules trigger signals can activate control of capacitors after within 10ms. The microprocessor based architecture and algorithm ensures that the modules enter the circuit at the time of zero transition, so that
no damage is caused to the capacitors. Modules can be up to 480V, star or delta connected, symmetrical or asymmetrical, capacitive, resistive or inductive loads at the time of zero crossing. The triggering of the modules can
easily be done by reactive power control relays or PLCs. 

The benefits of microprocessor controlled capacitive load drivers compared to conventional mechanical contactors are: longer life, very high speed and number of switches, ensuring no current and voltage transients during
switching and keeping the life of the capacitor used long. 

The capacitive load drivers with microprocessor control continuously control the operating voltage, operating condition and temperature and record the fault detections and inform the user with four LEDs and dry contact output on the front panel. Makel microprocessor controlled capacitive load drivers operate without problems in harmonic filter reactors or without reactors. The external thermal connection terminals protect the harmonic filter reactor used in the compensation system against overheating. Makel microprocessor controlled capacitive load drivers do not require maintenance and are quiet.


Capacitive microprocessor controlled capacitive load drivers are used in all dynamic reactive power compensation systems that require fast response times.Facilities such as welding machines, elevators, cranes, arc and induction hobs, wind turbines, and other facilities with rapidly varying fluctuating loads are examples of petrol stations, commercial buildings, public institutions and other businesses.

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